Healthcare Professional Blog

What’s The Right Way To List Nursing Credentials?

Nurses share a common goal of giving patients the best care and offering them information that allows them to continue on a path to wellness once they leave the hospital. Where nurses differ, in some cases, are credentials. There are different initials for nurses to...
Pros And Cons Of Working “Only” 3 Days A Week

Pros And Cons Of Working “Only” 3 Days A Week

As a nurse, you’ve probably heard a million times, “It must be so nice only working three days a week.” It’s exhausting. It takes every ounce of your physical and mental energy to work multiple 12-hour shifts in a week. The truth is, many of those 12-hour shifts turn...

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5 Tips To Achieve Work-Life Balance As a Nurse

5 Tips To Achieve Work-Life Balance As a Nurse

Nursing is an ultra-rewarding career, but the hours, demands, and stress that remain with you even when you leave work can create burnout and an imbalance in your life. The care you provide for your patients is impeccable, but you don’t have the energy to play with...

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Nurse Salary And Other Benefits To Negotiate

Nurse Salary And Other Benefits To Negotiate

Whether you’re waiting on your first nursing job or planning to make a career shift, there are two things nurses should know about salary and benefits. The first is that you have more negotiating power than you realize (we’ll get to how to use it later) and the second...

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8 Ways To Overcome Night Shift Blues For Nurses

8 Ways To Overcome Night Shift Blues For Nurses

If you’re working night shifts as a nurse – whether by design or requirement – the night shift blues can make it hard to establish a work–life balance. The hours make it challenging to sustain strong mental and physical well-being. If you find it difficult to combat...

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How Your Image As A Nurse Affects Your Care

How Your Image As A Nurse Affects Your Care

Showing up for work in clean, pressed scrubs everyday can seem pointless when you know you’re likely to leave with wrinkles and at least one stain. And really, does a nurse’s appearance matter? You come to work to care for patients, not a fashion show, right? Well,...

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Why Do Nurses Have A Code Of Ethics?

Why Do Nurses Have A Code Of Ethics?

Nursing begets daily ethical dilemmas, and the best decision isn’t always easy. The American Nurses Association’s (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses is designed to guide you toward the right choice and in turn, better your ability to care for your patients. Learning how...

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What Is A Nurse’s Role In The Opioid Crisis?

What Is A Nurse’s Role In The Opioid Crisis?

A record number of drug overdoses were recorded in 2017, resulting in the deaths of nearly 72,000 Americans, reports the Centers for Disease Control. The U.S. saw a 10 percent increase in overdose deaths from 2016 to last year, causing medical professionals...

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Do Nurses Have To Be On Call?

Do Nurses Have To Be On Call?

Long shifts, overnights, and demanding workloads are all a part of being a nurse. When you decided to enter the nursing field, you were aware of many of the challenges, but you dredged forward anyway, knowing your calling is to help people, to care for those who can’t...

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How To Keep Your Nursing Credentials Organized

How To Keep Your Nursing Credentials Organized

We know life gets crazy and the last thing you want on your mind is your paperwork. There’s a better way! Getting organized has never been easier with your very own Professional Briefcase®! What is the Professional Briefcase®? The Professional Briefcase is a...

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