Intelligent Healthcare Staffing Software

Place Candidates Faster

Unlock the full potential of your agency without the hassle of software management. Praos provides turnkey technology specifically for healthcare staffing agencies — so you can place clinicians faster.

speed to submission

The Praos Platform

Improve Speed to Submission

Our healthcare staffing software is designed to level the playing field for staffing agencies in the healthcare industry. With Praos, you can build and manage your own online marketplace while delivering the modern technology experience your clients and candidates expect. Effortlessly accelerate speed to submission with automated credentialing, job matching, and a user-friendly mobile app.

Discover the Power of Praos

The numbers speak for themselves. More and more healthcare practitioners use our nursing jobs app for its speedy placements and seamless user experience.


for recruiters to connect with new leads


to verify credentials


to go from hire to active

of positions

on average posted weekly to job board

Upgrade Your Staffing Workflow

Discover how our platform optimizes every step of the nurse recruitment process.

Talent Marketplace

Access a private talent marketplace where you can source, engage, and manage healthcare professionals seamlessly within your agency’s ecosystem.

Sourcing Tools

Leverage powerful sourcing tools to attract top talent, streamline candidate search, and ensure a steady influx of qualified candidates.

Profile Management

Empower candidates to manage their profiles efficiently while making it easy for recruiters to access comprehensive candidate information.

Credentialing Management

Ensure compliance and reduce risk with automated credentialing management, including real-time license verification and expiration reminders for healthcare professionals.


Seamlessly integrate with your existing systems—including Bullhorn and other ATS platforms—to ensure smooth operations and data synchronization.


Automate repetitive tasks and workflows, from candidate engagement to credential verification, to boost efficiency and free up time for strategic initiatives.

Fulfillment Management

Streamline the process of filling positions with sophisticated fulfillment management tools that enable quick approval of candidate applications and assignment of roles.

Staffing Agencies - job matching

Job Matching

Enhance candidate matching accuracy and efficiency with our job matching tools, leveraging advanced algorithms and candidate preferences to ensure best-fit placements for improved client satisfaction.

Database Revitalization

Energize your candidate database with our database management tools for efficient organization, updating, and utilization of candidate information to optimize recruitment outcomes.

See What Praos Can Do for Your Business

Build your own private talent marketplace and streamline staffing with Praos. Our platform empowers your team to convert more leads into verified candidates and optimize the pre-hire process for all involved. Find out what kind of growth and savings you can expect with Praos today.

transforming healthcare staffing solutions

Success Stories

From Manual to Automated: The Spire Case Study

Discover how Praos helped Spire Workforce Solutions overcome manual processes and reduce the pre-hire process time for recruiters by 80% with our user-friendly platform.

See Praos in Action

Discover how our automated credentialing and private marketplace solutions can supercharge your healthcare staffing agency. Request a demo today and see firsthand how Praos can make staffing easier and more efficient than ever before.

praos in action