Nurses Spotlight: Question and Answer

We’re celebrating all that nurses do with a special look into the aspirations, stories, and day-to-day life of real nurses in the field. Keep reading for a Q&A session with Vincent Hernandez B.A. RN EMT-P!

Q: What motivated you to become a nurse?

After spending almost 10 years in EMS and working as a paramedic in a busy 911 department, I wanted to advance my education and work in a controlled environment while continuing to provide high quality patient care to the critically ill.

Q: If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?

Since my favorite place to be is the ocean, my superpower would have to be to breathe under water and explore the vastness of the ocean.

Q: What is your guilty pleasure after a long day at work?

My guilty pleasure after a long day at work is a blizzard from DQ or a pint of ice cream.

Q: What has been your most difficult challenge related to patient care?  

The most difficult challenge I’ve encountered is how psychological disorders affect so many people from young ones all the way to the elderly and how these can push people to suicide or self harm.

Q:  What is your favorite part about being a nurse?

My favorite part about being a nurse is the trust that comes with nursing. People constantly comment on how they trust nurses to provide compassionate care even over the providers. This makes it truly rewarding.

Q: What advice do you have for a recent nursing grad?

I would tell a new grad to find a good mentor. Someone who can be a sounding board and that could guide them through tough moments in their career, especially early on.

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